
Welcome to my Good Eats blog, here you will find taste tests, food product reviews, recipes and some restaurant reviews.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sanford's grub and pub -Ft. Collins CO

 January 4, 2012

I met a friend at Sanford's grub and pub for lunch. It was a late lunch after one o'clock. First thing that I noticed was everything was big and there was a ton of random things on the walls and all throughout the place, from large cartoonish moose’s to old license plates.  First they gave us our menus at our table and they were huge and almost too hard to handle and to open it. It was filled mostly with choices of burgers and sandwiches, but I already knew what I wanted from reading the menu online. We both got the big country Burger with Cajun fries and my friend had the onion rings (nine dollars and 97 pennies, according to their menu.)

When the burgers arrived which seemed like quite a while, they were on huge plates the burger was pretty big.  The onion rings on top were stacked higher than the burger and topped with ranch dressing.  The plate also had lettuce, pickle and onions to top the burger, along with a huge plate amount of Cajun fries and my friend had a huge pile of onion rings that were not really rings more like onion strings.  I had to squeeze my burger down as much as I could, so I could get my burger in my mouth.   It seemed like a good burger, but not to long into it the onions on top got really soggy and didn't taste so good.  If you like lots of greasy food you’ll love this place.  After quite a while the waitress finally brought the check, but she was quick when she left and came back with change.

I did enjoy my burger, but I don’t know if it was that great of a burger, it was good and was huge.  It was just way too much for me to handle, and I ate probably half of my burger and fries and couldn’t eat anymore.  This was a pretty good value under 10 for more food than I could handle.

1526 Oakridge Drive  Fort Collins, CO 80525

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